Full Backsplash VS Standard Backsplash. Which one to choose? | Groysman Construction Remodeling | 2

Full Backsplash VS Standard Backsplash. Which one to choose?

The design of a kitchen plays a crucial role for any house owner. It should be nice, comfortable, practical, and protective — all at once. Thus, a backsplash becomes one of the important elements of modern kitchen remodeling. Let’s look at the backsplash and consider the types of backsplash you can choose for your house or apartment.

The basics of backsplash

Backsplash is a decorative element of kitchens, which additionally protects the wall. It’s frequently installed behind a countertop, sink, or stove. Such a solution provides effective protection from splashes of water, grease, and other substances, preventing the formation of stains and messy look.

Thus, it’s an indispensable element when we need to deal with cooking, dishwashing, and other regular kitchen chores.

Along with its practical function, a backsplash is also a fabulous element of the interior design. It can significantly influence the style and general look of your kitchen. Thanks to the manufacturing flexibility, it’s possible to order a backsplash according to modern trends and your preferences in terms of color, material, texture, and size.

Full Backsplash VS Standard Backsplash. Which one to choose? | Groysman Construction Remodeling | 3
Full Backsplash VS Standard Backsplash. Which one to choose? | Groysman Construction Remodeling | 4

Types of backsplashes

Backsplashes can differ depending on various characteristics. One of them is the material the piece is made of. The following ones are the most common for kitchen renovation:

  • Tile. It’s a popular choice due to the durability and versatility of materials, as well as their elegant look. House owners frequently choose porcelain, glass, natural stone, or ceramic tiles. 
  • Laminate. This solution is the most budget-friendly. The surface will be easy to clean and provide the visual look of more expensive materials.
  • Stainless steel. While it’s more common in commercial areas, residential households can also choose this material as an impressively resistant, durable, and stylish solution.
  • Stone slabs. Those looking for something luxurious can look at marble or granite. Such natural materials provide a wonderful texture and make a backsplash a prominent spot in the interior.
  • Engineered stone. It’s a good alternative to natural materials, which come in various colors and textures. It also provides excellent protection, durability, and ease of cleaning. One of the popular options is quartz.

Backsplash options also vary in size. The right choice can make your kitchen look completely different and realize any design ideas.

What does a full backsplash mean?

Such backsplash is a higher version of the decorative and protective elements. The main feature is that this backsplash extends up the wall. It starts from a countertop and reaches a ceiling, a base of cabinets, or a range hood.

A full wall backsplash is able to provide a complete and smooth design of the kitchen. Any materials described can be used for the creation of such a solution. The surface can repeat one of the counterparts or be different to create a more distinct look. Anyway, it becomes a focal point of the kitchen.

Full Backsplash VS Standard Backsplash. Which one to choose? | Groysman Construction Remodeling | 5

The greatest benefits of a full backsplash kitchen are beauty and incomparable protection for all zones likely to stain. Due to the use of more materials and more work required, such a solution is more expensive compared to a standard backsplash.

Full Backsplash VS Standard Backsplash. Which one to choose? | Groysman Construction Remodeling | 6

What does a standard backsplash mean?

Such backsplashes have a height of 3–6 inches from a counterpart. In many cases, it’s made out of the counterpart material to create a completed and streamlined design. Due to the height, such a solution will provide only partial protection for the walls because occasional splashes can always happen. Today, more designers and contractors try to experiment by making standard backsplashes higher.

One of the obvious advantages of such a type of backsplash is the price. The solution will be cheaper in comparison to a full backsplash. A standard kitchen backsplash can also be easily cleaned and repaired if necessary.

Which backsplash to choose?

The choice of backsplash greatly depends on your requirements and preferences. If you want to provide absolute protection to the walls and make a modern and stylish design, it’s recommended to choose a full backsplash. It will require more money but become a good investment.

If you need a budget-friendly solution and don’t spend too much time cooking or washing dishes, then a standard backsplash can become a good decision for your kitchen.

Full Backsplash VS Standard Backsplash. Which one to choose? | Groysman Construction Remodeling | 7
Full Backsplash VS Standard Backsplash. Which one to choose? | Groysman Construction Remodeling | 8

To find an ideal solution for the design and protection of your kitchen, it’s always better to consult the experts. Groysman Construction is a reliable company in San Diego that has great experience in the area and can install a perfect backsplash for every household. Our remodel company uses an individual approach to make any ideas of our customers come true! Call now or leave your request for a quote to get started.

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