How Much Does It Cost To Remodel A Bathroom?

How Much Does It Cost To Remodel A Bathroom? | Groysman Construction Remodeling | 1

Problems with the bathroom may be the most unpleasant of all possible house issues. After all, they mean the bad start of the day, lots of inconvinience, and lower overall quality of life. So no wonder that bathroom remodel projects are so popular in San Diego. We know well that for the most homeowners, bathroom remodel price matters. So, here is some information on this subject for you to orientate yourself.

Bathroom remodeling itself can be different in complexity, which affects the costs the most. Most homeowners in San Diego report spending around $10,000-15,000 on their projects. Of course, this sum may vary greatly, depending on many factors. These factors are in general the same as in the case of kitchen remodels. The first and the most important one is the amount of work your bathroom needs. Often, especially in the older houses, a tremendous job needs to be done, including replacement of structural plumbing elements. No wonder that in this case the bathroom remodel price per square foot may be more than impressive.

Planing a Budget

Here is a list of the possible major elements of a bathroom remodel:

  • Bathtub installation: $400-8,000;
  • Cabinets: $1,200-$13,000;
  • Countertops: $900-6,500;
  • Flooring: $800-7,000;
  • Lighting fixtures: $120-4,000;
  • Shower installation: $450-10,000;
  • Sink installation: $190-6,500;
  • Toilet installation: $130-780.

As you see, the costs may be different by a huge ratio. However, you will not necessarily need all these jobs to be done, unless you are adding a whole new bathroom to your house. Moreover, most of them have much cheaper alternatives. For example, instead of installing new bathroom cabinetry you may just refinish the old one with the fresh paint. And even more, repairing some older bathroom may be quite easy, so buying the new expensive one is not always necessary.

With the above-listed bathroom remodel price estimates in mind, let’s take a closer look to some options of your future project.

DIY Bathroom Remodel Price

You may cut your bathroom remodel price greatly if you are able to perform some job yourself. The cost of such projects may be even under $3,000. This sum mostly consists of spendings on materials. However, in any case, no bathroom remodel can be fully DIY as only professionals should perform some of the most difficult tasks (like plumbing and electrical jobs).

Basic Upgrade

This is the most popular option among the owners of relatively new houses. In this case, you will have to pay around $10,000. For this sum, you may get a better, renewed bathroom with a fresher look without replacing your old bathroom fixtures like the bathtub or shower.

Mid-range Remodel

For the price of about $25,000 you might get a whole new bathroom without excessive luxury, including new bathroom fixtures, tiles, and cabinets. With such sum of money, you are unlikely to get, for example, marble countertops or other incredibly expensive things. However, this does not mean that your bathroom will be worse in quality, as some modern cheaper materials are even more durable and good looking than their costly traditional alternatives.

Luxurious Remodel

It is not a secret that the more money you are ready to spend, the more options you have. Any bathroom remodel the price of which exceeds $35,000 may be called luxurious. With such a budget, you may afford top-noch fixtures and materials, or even increase the size of your whole bathroom.

To learn more about your future bathroom remodeling price, including remodel price per square foot, contact us for the expert consultation. This consultation may become your first step on the way to the better bathroom, better house, and better life!

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